Safe and Secure Communities

Ensuring a Safe and Secure Community through a Commitment to Public Safety and Justice

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What Works Cities Certification
Tempe is recognized nationally for being one of the best American cities at using data and evidence to respond effectively to local challenges. Tempe is proud to share it has been recognized for achieving 2023 What Works Cities Certification at the Platinum level.

ALS Response Time (1.01)

Achieve a response time of less than or equal to 7 minutes for 90% of advanced life support calls for service as benchmarked by the National Fire Protection Association.

Baseline: 80.1% (CY 2023) 

Target: 90% by CY 2040

Explore Performance Measure

Cardiac Arrest Survival Rate (1.02)

Achieve cardiac arrest survival rates greater than the national average as benchmarked by the American Heart Association.

Baseline: 13.64% (CY 2016)

Target: 9.3% annually, by calendar year

Explore Performance Measure

Patient Transfer of Care (1.03)

Achieve average times from Tempe Fire Medical Rescue contact with patient to transfer of care to the hospital for stroke incidents of less than 15 minutes and recognition of S-T Elevation Myocardial Infarction heart attack incidents of less than or equal to 5 minutes.

Transfer of Care for Stroke Incidents: 10 minutes, 52 seconds (CY 2016)
Recognition of S-T Elevation Myocardial Infarction Heart Attack: 10 minutes (CY 2016)

Transfer of Care for Stroke Incidents: Less than 15 minutes by CY 2025
Recognition of S-T Elevation Myocardial Infarction Heart Attack: Less than or equal to 5 minutes by CY 2025

Explore Performance Measure

Fire Services Satisfaction (1.04)

Achieve ratings of "Very Satisfied" or "Satisfied" with the "Quality of Local Fire Services" greater than or equal to the top 10% of the national benchmark cities as measured by the Community Survey and the Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department Customer Service Survey.

Community Survey: 91.5% (CY 2016) 
Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Customer Service Survey: 96.97% (CY 2016)

Target: 95% annually, by calendar year. (Based on 2023 benchmark)

Explore Performance Measure

Feeling of Safety in Your Neighborhood (1.05)

Achieve ratings of “Completely Safe” or “Mostly Safe” for "feeling of safety in your neighborhood" that is greater than or equal to the quarterly average of the benchmark cities as measured by the police sentiment survey.

Baseline: 63% (Jan – Mar 2024)

Target: 58% (Jul - Sep 2024)

Explore Performance Measure

Crime Reporting (1.06)

Achieve responses of "Yes" for property and violent crimes reported to police as measured by the Community Survey greater than the percentage of crimes reported in the National Crime Victimization Survey.

Violent Crimes: 77.6% (CY 2018)
Property Crimes: 73.1% (CY 2018)

Violent Crimes: 53% annually, by calendar year
Property Crimes: 65% annually, by calendar year

Explore Performance Measure

Police Services Satisfaction (1.07)

Achieve ratings of "Very Satisfied" or "Satisfied" with the “Quality of Local Police Services” greater than or equal to the top 10% of the national benchmark cities as measured in the Community Survey.

Baseline: 81.4% (CY 2016)

Target: 93% annually, by calendar year (Based on 2023 benchmark)

Explore Performance Measure

High Severity Traffic Crashes (1.08)

Achieve a reduction in the number of fatal and serious injury crashes to zero.

Baseline: Fatalities: 16 (CY 2016); Serious Injuries: 76 (CY 2016)

Target: Fatalities: 0 by CY 2025; Serious Injuries: 0 by CY 2025

Explore Performance Measure

Victim of Crime (1.09)

Achieve response ratings of “No” relating to whether or not respondents or their household members were victims of crime greater than or equal to the National Crime Victimization Survey benchmarks as measured by the Community Survey.

Violent Crime: 92.2% (CY 2018)
Property Crime: 81.7% (CY 2018)

Violent Crime: 97.9% annually, by calendar year
Property Crime: 88.1% annually, by calendar year

Explore Performance Measure

Worry About Being a Victim (1.10)

Achieve ratings of “Never” and “Rarely” for those who responded that they worry about “a) being victimized by a robbery/physically assaulted; b) being burglarized when not there; c) being attacked or threatened with a weapon; d) having car stolen or broken into; or, e) being a victim of identity theft” greater than or equal to the Gallup Poll benchmark as measured by the Community Survey.


Being victimized by a robbery/physically assaulted: 66.2% (CY 2017)
Having your home burglarized when you are not there: 44.3% (CY 2017)
Being attacked or threatened with a weapon: N/A (CY 2017) 
Having your car stolen or broken into: 45.4% (CY 2017)
Being a victim of identity theft: 31.9% (CY 2017)

Being victimized by a robbery/physically assaulted: 70% annually, by calendar year
Having your home burglarized when you are not there: 57% annually, by calendar year
Being attacked or threatened with a weapon: N/A annually, by calendar year
Having your car stolen or broken into: 57% annually, by calendar year
Being a victim of identity theft: 30% annually, by calendar year

Explore Performance Measure

Starting in 2023, the value is based on the question "being victimized by a robbery/physically assaulted." Previous years used "getting mugged," measuring similar concerns.

Feeling of Safety in City Facilities (1.11)

Achieve ratings of "Very Satisfied" or "Satisfied" with the "Feeling of Safety in City Facilities" greater than or equal to 90% as measured by the Community and the Employee Surveys.

Community Survey
Overall feeling of safety in the City: 75.3% (CY 2016) 
City athletic and recreational faculties (daytime): 78.1% (CY 2016)
City athletic and recreational facilities (nighttime): 60.6% (CY 2016)
Tempe Public Library complex (daytime): 85.9% (CY 2016)
Tempe Public Library Complex (nighttime) 72.1% (CY 2016)

Employee Survey
I feel physically safe in my work unit: 84.2% (CY 2020)

Target: 90% CY 2030

Explore Performance Measure

The baseline for the question, "I feel physically safe in my work unit," has been updated to reflect responses starting in 2020, when the question was introduced. Previously, the question "My physical work environment (building) is safe, clean, & maintained in good operating order" was used, with a baseline established in 2016.

Violent Cases Clearance Rate (1.12)

Achieve a clearance rate of violent crime cases greater than or equal to the national 5-year average for cities our population size.

Baseline: 34.2% (2012-2016)

Target: 43.5% (floating 5-year target) by 2019

Explore Performance Measure

Safe Drinking Water (1.13)

Achieve or exceed Safe Drinking Water Act standards for water quality.

Baseline: Meeting Standards (CY 2018)

Target: Meet standards annually, by calendar year

Explore Performance Measure

High Risk Fire Inspections (1.14)

Perform fire inspections of all High Risk Occupancy facilities annually based on adopted national standards.

Baseline: 20.6% (FY 2015/16)

Target: 100% annually

Explore Performance Measure

Insurance Services Organization Rating (1.15)

Achieve an Insurance Services Organization Rating: Building Code Effectiveness Classification of 3 or better.

Residential: 3 (CY 2011)
Commercial: 3 (CY 2011)

Residential: 3 by CY 2026
Commercial: 3 by CY 2026

Explore Performance Measure

Municipal Court Compliance (1.16)

Promote access to justice by ensuring compliance with all federal, state and local rules, regulations and laws regarding Court operations.

Baseline: In compliance (CY 2023)

Target: In compliance annually, by calendar year

Explore Performance Measure

Community Supervision Success Rate (1.17)

Achieve participant completion rates that are greater than or equal to a) the rate of Pinal County's diversion program and b) the rate of 60% for the supervised probation program.

Diversion Program: 80.1% (FY 2022/23) 
Supervised Probation Program: 58.1% (FY 2022/23)

Diversion Program: 86% by FY 2029/30
Supervised Probation Program: 60% by FY 2029/30

Explore Performance Measure

Kid Zone Participation (1.18)

Achieve a community program participation rate per capita of Tempe youth during out-of-school hours greater than or equal to the national standards published by the Arizona After 3 PM and America After 3 PM Afterschool Alliances.

Baseline: 24% (SY 2011/12)

Target: 30% by SY 2047/48

Explore Performance Measure

Housing Quality Standards (1.19)

Achieve a rate of 100% for resolving issues within 24 hours for Housing Quality Standards related to life, health, or safety.

Baseline: 100% (FY 2016/17)

Target: 100% annually, by fiscal year

Explore Performance Measure

Youth Drug Use and Misuse (1.21)

Achieve rates of zero for alcohol use, nicotine vaping, marijuana use and prescription drug and opioid misuse by 8th, 10th and 12th grade students in Tempe as measured by the biennial Arizona Youth Survey.

Past 30-Day Use 

Alcohol: 15.2% (CY 2022)
Marijuana: 13.9% (CY 2022)
Nicotine Vaping: 11.7% (CY 2022)
Prescription Drug Misuse: 3.0% (CY 2022)  

Lifetime Use 

Opioids: 10.5% (CY 2022)

Target: 0% by CY 2030

Explore Performance Measure

Pavement Quality Index (1.22)

Achieve adopted standards for Pavement Quality Index greater than or equal to a citywide average of 70 across all demographic categories. 

Baseline: 59 (CY 2016)

Target: 70 by CY 2036 

Explore Performance Measure

Feeling of Safety in Parks (1.23)

Achieve ratings of “Very Satisfied" or "Satisfied" with the "Feeling of Safety in Parks," greater than or equal to the top 10% of the national benchmark cities as measured by the Community Survey.

Neighborhood Parks Day: 74.7% / Night: 43.4% (CY 2017)
City Parks Day: 81% / Night: 51.9% (CY 2017)
Desert Parks Day: 69.4% / Night: 36% (CY 2017)

90% for each park type (Day and Night) by 2029

Explore Performance Measure

Police Body Cameras (1.25)

Achieve a rate of 85% for compliance with Body Worn Camera video activation as benchmarked by industry standards.

Baseline: 72% (CY 2023)

Target: 85% by CY 2028

Explore Performance Measure

City Infrastructure and Assets (1.27)

Achieve 100% compliance with industry standards related to the replacement or rehabilitation of infrastructure and assets.

Baseline: Under Development

Target: 100%

Explore Performance Measure

Timely Case Management - Misdemeanors (1.28)

Achieve rates for case conclusions of less than 180 days for 93% of Misdemeanor Driving Under the Influence and for 98% of Misdemeanor Non-Driving Under the Influence as benchmarked by Arizona Supreme Court’s Time Standards.

Misdemeanor Driving Under the Influence: 73.67% (FY 2023/24)
Misdemeanor Non-Driving Under the Influence: 92.14% (FY 2023/24)

Misdemeanor Driving Under the Influence: 93% annually, by fiscal year
Misdemeanor Non-Driving Under the Influence: 98% annually, by fiscal year

Explore Performance Measure

Breaking Cycle of Violence (1.29)

Achieve ratings of "Strongly Agree" or "Agree" with responses of “having a better understanding of trauma associated with violence and its impact on the well-being and safety of my family” greater than or equal to 95% as measured by the CARE 7 Trauma Education and Support Services Survey.

Baseline: 83% (CY 2023)

Target: 95% by CY 2026

Explore Performance Measure

Addressing Opioids (1.31)

Achieve an end to opioid misuse and abuse as measured by the percentage of “opioid abuse probable” Emergency Medical Services’ calls.

Baseline: 1.9% (CY 2017)

Target: 0% by CY 2027

Explore Performance Measure

Alley Quality Index (1.33)

Achieve an Alley Quality Index score greater than or equal to a citywide average rating of 4.5 on a 5.0 scale.

Baseline: 3.9 (FY 2021/22)

Target: 4.5 by FY 2026/27

Explore Performance Measure

Crisis Engagement (1.34)

Achieve a rate of 95% for successful engagements with the CARE 7 Mobile Crisis Unit as measured by an encounter evaluation.

Baseline: Available March 31, 2025

Target: 95% by FY 2024/25

Explore Performance Measure

Student Support Satisfaction (1.35)

Achieve an annual satisfaction rate greater than or equal to 95% from students receiving assistance from CARE 7 Youth Specialists as measured by participant surveys.

Baseline: Available December 31, 2024

Target: 95% by SY 2026/27

Explore Performance Measure

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