Addressing Opioids

Safe and Secure Communities

Addressing Opioids - Performance Measure 1.31

The Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department (TFMR) is an “all hazards” department that responds to all types of calls for service including suspected opioid abuse and overdose incidents. 


Achieve an end to opioid misuse and abuse as measured by the percentage of “opioid abuse probable” Emergency Medical Services’ calls.

Why this Measure Matters

Opioid abuse affects more than the addicted person. It also impacts our schools, families, and our community. 

While prescription opioids are an effective form of pain management, the misuse and increasing potency of opioid medications is a growing concern that government agencies are addressing with pain management options, safe prescribing standards and proper medication disposal. The Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department and the City of Tempe has seen an increase in opioid related emergencies since 2017. During that same time, the amount of Narcan (the opioid overdose reversing medication) has increased to almost double the amount required to reverse an opioid overdose. This is indicative of higher potency drugs like Fentanyl and Carfentanil being available in the community. Tempe Fire Medical Rescue, Care7, and other community partners participate in an Opioid Task Force, which identifies ways to reduce the percentage of opioid related misuse and abuse in Tempe. The Opioid Task Force has aligned its strategies with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which are based on five pillars detailed in the strategies below. 


1.9% (CY 2017)


0% by CY 2027


The following five pillars frame Tempe’s strategies:

  1. Better Data by Strengthening Public Heath Surveillance
    Data examples include:
    • Emergency Medical Service data points
    • Wastewater Biomarker data and trends
    • QR Codes and demographics

  2. Better Pain Management
    Program examples include:
    • Patient Advocate Services (PAS)
    • Care 7
    • FUSE - frequent utilizer data
    • Crisis Teams

  3. Improving access to treatment, prevention, and recovery
    Program examples include:
    • Rx 360 program from 5th grade through to 12th
    • Tempe Police grant program partnering with Impact
    • QR codes, self-referrals, and referrals
    • Tempe Union High School District Parent Night/Athlete Parent Night

  4. Increasing availability of overdose reversing drugs

  5. Supporting cutting edge research
    Partnership Example:
    • Wastewater Biomarkers – Community Health
    • Maricopa County Department of Public Health 

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Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash


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