Alley Quality Index

Safe and Secure Communities 

Alley Quality Index - Performance Measure 1.33

Tempe’s alley system consists of approximately 165 linear miles within its 40.2 square mile land area.  Municipal Utilities’ Solid Waste Services Section has responsibility for preserving this civil asset for use by a variety of utility and public safety services, including garbage collection, and the general health and welfare of Tempe residents. The City of Tempe recognizes the importance of keeping all rights-of-way clear for utility and public safety ingress and egress, maintaining dust control for air quality purposes and maintaining the physical alleys for asset maintenance and preservation purposes. Therefore, the Alley Quality Index (AQI) was developed to prioritize alleys for reconditioning based on their AQI rating. 

The AQI index is as follows:

1 - 1.9
2 - 2.9
3 - 3.9
4 - 4.9


Achieve an Alley Quality Index score greater than or equal to a citywide average rating of 4.5 on a 5.0 scale.

Why this Measure Matters

Clean and clear alleyways are necessary for community health and safety and contribute to the quality of life. If the alleys become hazardous due to overgrown vegetation, debris, or any other obstruction like landscape features, they inhibit the authorized use of the right-of-way for garbage collection and utility work. Not only can utility services be negatively affected, but so can emergency personnel whose response capabilities may be hindered.  An unmaintained alley can jeopardize the neighborhood and personal health and safety when obstructions are present which creates a home for vermin, crime and other illicit activities.


3.9 (FY 2021/22)


4.5 by FY 2026/27


1. Develop an Assessment Tool

  • Key indicators

  • Technology and mapping

2. Implement the Assessment Tool

  • Pilot and refine

  • Apply to remainder of alleys

3. Data Analysis

  • Mapping of highest needs

  • Assess Community Survey scores on resident satisfaction

4. Develop Remediation Plan

  • Budgeting and forecasting

  • Community outreach

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Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash


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