Crisis Engagement

Safe and Secure Communities

Crisis Engagement - Performance Measure 1.34

The City of Tempe is committed to assisting residents experiencing a crisis or traumatic event. CARE 7, a workgroup within the City of Tempe Human Services Department, provides services to de-escalate and stabilize individuals in crisis and connect them to long-term supportive care.  Assisting clients in navigating crises and developing coping skills results in increased self-sufficiency and a safer and healthier community. 


Achieve a rate of 95% for successful engagements with the CARE 7 Mobile Crisis Unit as measured by an encounter evaluation.

Why this Measure Matters

The City of Tempe is committed to increasing a safe and healthy community. Through the CARE 7 Crisis Response program, staff de-escalate and stabilize a community member in crisis, and connect them to supportive case management and support services. 

Crisis response and case management is an integral part of building a healthy, resilient community. In support of the community’s health and safety, CARE 7 is an integral part of the City’s community safety response. Specifically, CARE 7 is dispatched by both the Tempe Police and Tempe Fire and Medical Rescue Departments to provide social services to those in need.  Focused social service response is a cost-effective strategy that allows public safety to focus on their areas of expertise.


Available March 31, 2025


95% by FY 2024/25


1. Decrease requests for crisis services by providing clients with ongoing support during non-crisis periods.

  • Provide training opportunities for all CARE 7 staff to increase their case management skills. 

2. Stabilize clients by engaging Crisis, Triage and Intake Specialists to mitigate escalating behaviors and connect to case management services. 

  • Closely align the duties of the Crisis, Triage and Intake Specialists with those of the Crisis Intervention Specialists.

3. Increase social work case management services for the community.

  • Increase number of experienced social workers in all CARE 7 program areas. 

4. Connect clients to other supportive programs and agencies for comprehensive wraparound services that can prevent future crises.

  • Increase number of experienced social workers in all CARE 7 program areas. 

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Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash


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