Feeling of Safety in City Facilities

Safe and Secure Communities

Feeling of Safety in City Facilities - Performance Measure 1.11

Productive and effective libraries, community centers, museums, recreation facilities and art centers are ones in which staff and patrons feel secure. The city of Tempe focuses on safety when building and rehabilitating facilities by designing security into the physical and digital architecture. Additionally, the city establishes safe facilities through training of staff and volunteers and by the presence of security officers and surveillance equipment where appropriate.


Achieve ratings of "Very Satisfied" or "Satisfied" with the "Feeling of Safety in City Facilities" greater than or equal to 90% as measured by the Community and the Employee Surveys.

Why this Measure Matters

Public safety is achieved by ensuring that Tempe facilities are safe and secure


Community Survey

Overall feeling of safety in the City: 75.3% (CY 2016) 
City athletic and recreational faculties (daytime): 78.1% (CY 2016)
City athletic and recreational facilities (nighttime): 60.6% (CY 2016)
Tempe Public Library complex (daytime): 85.9% (CY 2016)
Tempe Public Library Complex (nighttime) 72.1% (CY 2016)

Employee Survey

I feel physically safe in my work unit: 84.2% (CY 2020)


90% CY 2030


1. Technology

  • Install and upgrade security cameras and software at Community Services facilities

  • Research software

  • Research security camera

  • Evaluate other technology solutions

2. Staffing

  • Hire additional security guards

  • Evaluate deployment of security staff

  • Evaluate security staffing levels

  • Research non-security staff training

3. Building Configuration and Design

  • Engineering space study/design and construction

  • Perform security analysis of public buildings

  • Evaluate exterior upgrades and renovations

  • Evaluate interior upgrades and renovations

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Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash


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