Fire Services Satisfaction

Safe and Secure Communities

Fire Services Satisfaction - Performance Measure 1.04

The Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department (TFMR) is an "all hazards" department that responds to all types of calls for service. The City of Tempe collects data from an annual Community Survey and the monthly TFMR Customer Service Survey to gauge resident perceptions about the quality and satisfaction of city services, programs and direction. The survey results help to determine priorities for the community as part of the City's ongoing strategic management process.


Achieve ratings of "Very Satisfied" or "Satisfied" with the "Quality of Local Fire Services" greater than or equal to the top 10% of the national benchmark cities as measured by the Community Survey and the Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department Customer Service Survey.

Why this Measure Matters

The Community Survey and the Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Customer Service Survey provide a broad measure of satisfaction that can be influenced by many things. The Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department uses this information to assess our level of service and to continue improving the levels of satisfaction. High satisfaction scores show that customers felt they were helped when they needed it the most. 

The Community Survey reflects a random sampling of the population in the City of Tempe to gain feedback on services provided within the city. This survey may not reflect direct services provided to a citizen but rather the perception of services within the community. The Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Customer Service Survey is sent through email to customers who have directly received services from Tempe Fire Medical Rescue following a call for assistance. This survey reflects the impression of services provided following a direct interaction a customer has with personnel from Tempe Fire Medical Rescue. Tempe Fire Medical Rescue, as an internationally accredited department, is always striving for the highest level of excellence and the surveys provide a measure that can be used toward continuous quality improvement. 


Community Survey: 91.5% (CY 2016) 

Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Customer Service Survey: 96.97% (CY 2016)


95% annually, by calendar year.
(Based on 2023 benchmark)


1. Public Outreach

  • Update department Social Media site weekly. Social media will be used to inform the public on relevant safety tips for the time of year, inform the public of pertinent department related information, and to build trust among the community with the department. 

  • Respond immediately to media inquiries to provide accurate newsworthy information to the public. Media requests are directed to the public information officer email and are responded to by chief officers to ensure accurate information is provided in a timely manner. 

  • Update department webpage quarterly to make sure it remains of the highest quality and with the most current information. 

2. Educate Workforce

  • Survey responses will be shared to all crews on a monthly basis to provide constructive feedback that emphasizes the importance of quality customer service.

  • Share public feedback, including Facebook posts, formal complaints, and formal accolades with the appropriate level of crews as they are submitted to provide educational opportunities, both positive and negative.

3. Address Negative Perceptions

  • Respond same day to all customer complaints. Strive to respond within one hour of complaint.

  • Explore feasibility of tracing negative comments posted on social media sites to their source, as applicable, for the purpose of clarifying concerns with the poster.

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Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash


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