High Severity Traffic Crashes
Safe and Secure Communities
High Severity Traffic Crashes - Performance Measure 1.08
Fatal and serious injury crashes are not "accidents" and are preventable. The City of Tempe is committed to reducing the number of fatal and serious injury crashes to zero. This data page provides details about the performance measure related to High Severity Traffic Crashes as well as access to the data sets and any supplemental data. See the Vision Zero Dashboard or Story Map for visual representations of this data. The Transportation Division (Engineering and Transportation Department) uses this data to improve safety in Tempe.
Achieve a reduction in the number of fatal and serious injury crashes to zero.
Why this Measure Matters
Vehicle crashes are not "accidents" and are preventable. Crashes, especially those that involve loss of life or serious injuries, can be devastating to individuals, families and the greater community. One fatality is too many. One serious injury is too many. City of Tempe staff works diligently to improve safety on Tempe Streets.
Fatalities: 16 (CY 2016)
Serious Injuries: 76 (CY 2016)
Fatalities: 0 by CY 2025
Serious Injuries: 0 by CY 2025
1. Update Vision Zero Action Plan by 2024 to continue the program for the next 5 years.
2. Positively influence the transportation safety culture by focusing on the "5 E's" of Transportation Safety
Conduct 2 Motorcycle Safety Education Program/Event for the community in 2023 (up from 1 in 2022)
Conduct 1 Bicycle Safety Education Program/Event for the community or schools in 2023 (maintaining 2022 rate)
Conduct 1 Child Seat/Occupant safety event in 2023 (New for 2023, smaller events occurred periodically previously)
Conduct 1 DUI Education Awareness event in 2023 (New for 2023)
Conduct 1 Social Media push for each subject on distracted driving, vulnerable road user safety, and seatbelt safety (Occurred on certain topics in previous years – new push on areas of concern such as Vulnerable Road User Safety and the Vision Zero Corridor Areas
Proactive Contacts: Increase Proactive contacts within the designated Traffic Safety Corridors by 25%
Sober Designated Drivers: Increase the average Sober Designated Drivers contacted by 20% (benchmark 2019-2021 average was 247)
Collaborate with other cities to conduct 5 street racing details
Participate in the East Valley DUI Task Force for St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, and Thanksgiving/Christmas Holidays
Increase Patrol DUI’s 10% in 2023 (compared to 2022 numbers)
Emergency Response
Provide monthly check-ins of the EVP system to ensure maintenance
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