Municipal Court Compliance

Safe and Secure Communities

Municipal Court Compliance – Performance Measure 1.16

Tempe Municipal Court is committed to providing the community with an independent judiciary that serves the public by the fair and impartial administration of justice resulting in the enhancement of public trust and confidence in the court system.

Tempe Municipal Court supports the Arizona Judicial Branch Strategic Agenda, Advancing Justice Together: Courts and Communities 2014-2019 by ensuring that all people are treated fairly, their rights are respected, and they are being well served by a government that follows the law. Tempe Municipal Court practices reflect these principles and promotes these goals.

The Arizona Constitution authorizes the Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court to exercise administrative supervision over all courts in Arizona to ensure these goals are consistently met. Under the direction of the Chief Justice, the administrative director and staff of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) provide the necessary support and directives for the supervision and administration of all courts in Arizona, including Tempe Municipal Court. Mandates are communicated by Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Orders and the Arizona Code of Judicial Administration.


Promote access to justice by ensuring compliance with all federal, state and local rules, regulations and laws regarding Court operations.

Why this Measure Matters

The need to maintain uniformity in court operations and coordination of court services will ultimately improve the administration of justice in the state of Arizona. The Tempe Municipal Court can demonstrate accountability and instill public trust in the judicial system by ensuring compliance with Arizona Supreme Court mandates.


In compliance (CY 2023)


In compliance annually, by calendar year


Judicial System Process Improvement

  • Implement Case Management System enhancements

  • Evaluate and implement personnel retention and development strategies

    • Court appointed attorneys

    • Court staff

  • Implement the “Fair Justice for All” initiatives

  • Implement the Court Security Standards for technology and facilities

  • Evaluate and implement Court facility enhancements, including technology enhancements

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Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash


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