Police Body Cameras
Safe and Secure Communities
Police Body Cameras – Performance Measure 1.25
The Tempe Police Department is fully committed to providing police service with dignity and respect. Tempe PD implemented the use of Body Worn Cameras in 2016 as a result of 21st Century Policing practices and under model policy. Capturing incident scene video protects officers, ensures positive professional police contacts and preserves evidence. Safe and Secure Communities and Strong Community Connections are two of the primary Council Priorities addressing crime and developing employees represents two of five key initiatives of the Police Department. Utilizing Body Worn Cameras helps maintain a ready, adaptive and resilient work force.
Achieve a rate of 85% for compliance with Body Worn Camera video activation as benchmarked by industry standards.
Why this Measure Matters
Tempe leads the nation with transparency and documentation about Body Worn Camera compliance measures and performance. Utilizing body worn cameras affects officer and citizen behaviors, ensures professional standards regarding traffic and subject stops, and collects critical evidence at the scene. It provide us with clear documentation of how we treat and are treated by citizens; and paints a clear picture regarding officer and subject behaviors. It also provides clear and present video evidence of interviews and victim, witness ans suspect's statements. Since developing this measure, Tempe PD has developed technological strategies to match videos to officer dispatches, conducted patrol trainings, and begun implementing individual-level trainings in order to reach our goal.
72% (CY 2023)
85% by CY 2028
1. Train all personnel on the appropriate use of Body Worn Cameras and the subsequent policy for activating it and recording police related incidents.
2. Run compliance statistics to verify our compliance and identify where and when we are not in full compliance with our policy.
3. Provide data to Police Supervisors regarding compliance who will train and counsel officers.
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