Timely Case Management - Misdemeanors
Safe and Secure Communities
Timely Case Management - Misdemeanors – Performance Measure 1.28
The City Attorney’s office is responsible for the legal affairs of the City by providing civil and criminal (prosecution) services. The Civil Division provides legal counsel and advice on a wide range of issues affecting the City. The Criminal Division prosecutes misdemeanor and criminal city code violations committed in the city, including State and local laws. This performance measure contributes to a safe and secure community through the protection of rights for all individuals during the criminal prosecution process.
Achieve rates for case conclusions of less than 180 days for 93% of Misdemeanor Driving Under the Influence and for 98% of Misdemeanor Non-Driving Under the Influence as benchmarked by Arizona Supreme Court’s Time Standards.
Why this Measure Matters
The protection of rights is fundamental to all individuals. By focusing on the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal (prosecution) process, the City Attorney’s office ensures those rights. This contributes to the safety of our residents, and the pursuit of justice.
Misdemeanor Driving Under the Influence: 73.67% (FY 2023/24)
Misdemeanor Non-Driving Under the Influence: 92.14% (FY 2023/24)
Misdemeanor Driving Under the Influence: 93% annually, by fiscal year
Misdemeanor Non-Driving Under the Influence: 98% annually, by fiscal year
1. Technology
Research and implement a robust case management system
Collect and analyze data
Improve efficiencies with other stakeholders (Courts, Police, County, etc.)
2. Employee Development
Communication (listening skills, persuasive language, conflict resolution, etc.)
Ongoing legal education and updates
Training on data collection, analysis and evaluation
3. Alternative Justice System
Veteran’s Court
Homeless Court (Life Services Court)
Mental Health Court
Other emerging needs
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