Youth Drug Use and Misuse

Safe and Secure Communities

Youth Drug Use and Misuse – Performance Measure 1.21

Alcohol and marijuana are the most commonly used substances by Tempe youth under the age of 18. The city is committed to working with the Tempe Coalition and agency partners to eliminate underage drinking and drug misuse in Tempe.


Achieve rates of zero for alcohol use, nicotine vaping, marijuana use and prescription drug and opioid misuse by 8th, 10th and 12th grade students in Tempe as measured by the biennial Arizona Youth Survey.

Why this Measure Matters

Alcohol and marijuana use by youth are especially dangerous to the developing adolescent brain. The prefrontal cortex of the brain, which represents rational and logical decision-making is not developed until the mid- 20s. Thus, adolescents are more likely to take risks and to explore new situations and behaviors; as such, this is the most important time to prevent first-time use of alcohol, marijuana, and other substances.


Past 30-Day Use

Alcohol: 15.2% (CY 2022)

Marijuana: 13.9% (CY 2022)

Nicotine Vaping: 11.7% (CY 2022)

Prescription Drug Misuse: 3.0% (CY 2022)  

Lifetime Use

Opioids: 10.5% (CY 2022)


0% by CY 2030


1. Partner with the Tempe Coalition (Tempe Community Council)

The Tempe Coalition is comprised of local residents and professionals who live or work in the community. The Coalition is made up of members who represent a wide range of community sectors including business, media, law enforcement, schools, substance use providers, youth, parents, youth serving organizations, civic groups, healthcare professionals, governmental agencies and faith based organizations. The mission of the Coalition is to work collectively to advocate for the reduction of alcohol and drug use among Tempe youth. The City of Tempe supports this effort with ongoing involvement of city staff and City Council representative.

Tempe Coalition's strategies include:

  • Media campaigns to impact youth and parental attitudes related to underage drinking, i.e. the “21 or Too Young” campaign

  • Community education to minimize underage drinking and drug use

    • Make youth, parents and educators aware of the impact on adolescent brain development.

    • Feature PSA videos of youth speaking to parents about enforcing rules and setting boundaries.

    • Renew publicity efforts related to our Social Host Ordinance - Tempe is the first city in the East Valley to pass the Social Host Ordinance. The revised ordinance, Article 3 Nuisance Parties and Unlawful Gatherings, went into effect February 2012.

    • Work with community partners to reinforce education and support to the Tempe community.

2. Create healthy engagement opportunities for youth in out of school time

  • Mayor’s Youth Advisory Commission

  • Kids Zone and City recreation and educational activities

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Photo by Ameer Basheer on Unsplash


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